Article Index

Facts & Figures


Carligele Cellar - Carligele, Bontesti Village

Beciul Domnesc – Odobesti, 1 Beciul Domnesc Street

Paradis Cellar – Focsani, 8 Bucuresti Avenue


Bucharest Headquarters - Vincon Logistic

1-E Valsanesti Street, District 3, Bucharest

Focsani Headquarters - Vincon Vrancea

12 Avantului Street, Focsani, Vrancea Co

Region: Vrancea County

Distances to nearby cities: Tecuci:36 Km, Râmnicu Sărat:40 Km

AOC: Cotesti, Odobesti, Panciu, Husi

Area: Areas planted with vines continue to grow; the vineyard has now over 1,500 acres of grape-bearing vines.

Bottled annually (in Litres): 

2013 turnover rates:

Wine- 12.000.000 L

Brandy - 50.000 L

Spirits -280.000 L

Vinegar - 1.200.000 L

Annual turnover: 24.000.000 EUR in 2013

Owner: Luchi Georgescu - Majority shareholder